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Traditional West Sumatra Dance dedicated by the ethnic Minangkabau has a uniqueness that is strongly influenced by Islam. Not only that the habit of Minangkabau people who like to wander and elegance of adat matrilineal also influence dance that depict this Minangkabau adat.

The following are some of the traditional dances originating from West Sumatra:

1. Piring Traditional Dance

Piring dance are believed to have existed since the 12th century AD, coming from the original culture of the Minangkabau community of West Sumatra itself.

In the past this dance was a goddess dance dedicated to the gods who have given abundant crops for a year to the surrounding community. It must be known that before Islam entered Minangkabau, the majority of Minangkabau people still believed in Buddhism, Hinduism, and some Animism.

2. Payung Traditional Dance 

Payung dance is a traditional dance from Minangkabau that includes an umbrella as a dance tool. This umbrella dance is performed by several dancers who paired each other between men and women. The movement on umbrella dance tells the story of the love of 2 people who are in love.

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