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There are many traditional dances originating from North Sumatra that adorn the rich art of dance in this archipelago country.

This time I will deliver some dances coming from North Sumatra that have been widely known by the public.

1. Serampang Dua Belas Traditional Dance

Serampang Dua Belas dance is a dance originating from Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra. The twelve-seater dances include a social dance performed by several male dancers and female dancers in pairs. Besides rich in artistic value, this dance is rich in the meaning and values of life in it. This dance is a very mashur dance in North Sumatra, especially in the area of Serdang Bedagai which is the area of origin.

2. Tor-Tor Traditional Dance 

Tor Tor dance is a type of dance originated from Batak tribe from Sumatera Island. Since the 13th century, Tor Tor Dance has become a cultural dance of the Batak tribe. The estimate was conveyed by former members of the North Sumatra platform in 1973-2010 and also an expert from Tor Tor Dance.

In the past, Tor Tor dance tradition exists only in the life of the Batak tribe in the region of Samosir, Toba region and part of Humbang region. But, after the inclusion of Christianity in Silindung region, this culture is famous for modern dance culture and singing.

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