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Aceh commonly referred to as the Veranda of Mecca has a variety of traditional dances are beautiful and unique. Even among the dances already widely known by the people of Indonesia and even International.

Here are some traditional dances from Nanggroe Aceh Drussalam:

1. Seudati Traditional Dance

Seudati dance is one of the traditional dances originating from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, this dance is the first dance in the Arab country with a background of Islam.

2. Saman Traditional Dance

Saman Dance is a traditional dance originating from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. This dance has become the attention of the international community because of its uniqueness.
This dance is thick with religious culture especially for Islamic religion, and has a choreography of sitting position berbanjar and accompanied by various hand movements from all dancers that one movement makes saman dance has a beautiful visualisai to be enjoyed. Saman dance is also commonly accompanied by poems that are rich in religious messages such as the teachings of virtue to fellow human beings and living things.

3. Bines Traditional Dance

Dance Bines is a traditional dance originating from Gayo Lues district. This dance already existed and developed in Central Aceh but after that was taken to East Aceh.
History says this dance was popularized by a scholar named Syech Saman as a framework for preaching. This dance is performed by women by sitting in line while singing poems containing propaganda or development information at the time.

4. Didong Traditional Dance

Didong dance is a traditional art of Gayo people who still exist until this modern period, has a high social interest from every culture of the community. Didong art is a mixture of art and sound of dance art with literary themes such as poems as its basic elements.

5. Guel Traditional Dance

Guel dance is the art of Gay cultural treasures in the soil of Aceh. Guel has a meaning to ring. Particularly in the highland area of gayo, this art of dance has a unique long story. Researchers and dance choreographers argue this dance is not just an ordinary dance, but a combination of music art, literary arts, and dance art itself.

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