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Indonesia is one of the countries with great cultural wealth. One of the cultures of the Indonesian nation is the dance. Almost in every region in Indonesia has a traditional dance of each region.

Here are some dances that come from Central Java:

1. Serimpi dance is a traditional dance originating from Yogyakarta. At first this dance was performed during the turn of the king in several palaces of Central Java. Along with the times, this Serimpi dance has changed slightly in terms of the duration of the dance, and the costumes. However, this dance aims to show women who are polite and courteous and very vulnerable. This dance is usually performed by 4 members of female dancers. This gives a meaning of the element of fire, wind, water, and earth. But along with the times, the number of dancers becomes 5 members. Clothes used to dance is the usual wear in wear by the bride princess palace. While the music that accompanies is a traditional musical instrument gamelan. (Serimpi Dance).

2. Bambang dance is a traditional dance originating from Central Java. This dance was adopted by one of the scenes in the puppet story. In Cakil dance this cakil tells the war between evil and goodness.These two traits are depicted in the dancers' movements in the dance. In the show, this dance is not only played by two people only. Rather there are several supporting roles such as giant troops and female

dancers as their knit pair. (Bambang Cekil Dance)

3. Bedhaya Ketawang dance has the meaning of a female dancer coming from the palace of heaven. Initially this dance was performed for an official event that aims to entertain the public. Usually this dance is performed by 9 female dancers. Where the nine dancers symbolize the Wali Songo and besides that there is a symbol of the direction of the wind. The dancer costume used is usually the Javanese traditional wedding dress. In addition, the dancers are use large bolls, and accessories typical of Java. The music played to accompany the dance Bedhaya Ketawang is Gending Ketawang or can be accompanied by traditional gamelan instruments.

4. Gambyong Dance is a dance that comes from the Surakarta region. At first this dance was only shown on entering the rice harvesting season. But along with the times, this dance is performed during sacred events and as a guest's honor. For the number of dancers do not have certain provisions. However, for the costumes used are the shoulder-length kembal costumes equipped with shawls. Basically this dance is very identical with yellow and green. But over the development of the color era was not a special benchmark. The music of this gambyong dance is gamelan like gong, kenong, gambang, and kendang. (Gambyong)

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