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Traditional Musical Instrument in Indonesia from Java

Now I'm going to define the second traditional musical  instrument that come from Java;

1. Tehyan
Traditional musical instruments Tehyan comes from the Capital of Jakarta which has the type of sound Kordofon used by rubbed in the string or strings, almost the same as playing the violin.

If you want to know how to play, please feel free to see this video :)

2. Angklung
Angklung traditional musical instruments derived from western Java that has the type of sound Ideofon. How to play the angklung is using our hands.

If you want to know how to play, please feel free to see this video :)

3. Gamelan
Gamelan traditional musical instrument comes from Central Java which has the sound type of Ideofon. How to play it is by being hit with a bat.

If you want to know how to play, please feel free to see this video :)

4. Gendang 
Traditional musical instrument Gendang comes from Yogyakarta which has the type of sound Ideofon. How to play it by being tapped in soft area using the palm of the hand.

If you want to know how to play, please feel free to see this video :)

5. Kendang
Traditional musical instrument Kendang originated from West Java which has a type of sound Membranofon. How to play it by being hit with a bat.

6. Kulanter 
Kulanter traditional musical instrument comes from West Java which has a type of sound Membranofon. How to play with a hit, kulanter usually made kendang.

7. Gong
Traditional musical instruments Gong comes from West Java which if hit will issue the type of sound Membranofon. Gong is usually tied or hung on wood.

If you want to know how to play, please feel free to see this video :)

8. Jengglong
Jengglong traditional musical instrument comes from West Java that resembles a small gong. Jengglong is usually made gong.

If you want to know how to play, please feel free to see this video :)

9. Rebab
Rebab traditional musical instruments derived from West Java that way play it like a violin that is in friction. The shape of the fiddle is like an arrow bow.

If you want to know how to play, please feel free to see this video :)

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