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Traditional Musical Instrument in Indonesia (Bali and Borneo)

Ok. guys I will continue to share about traditional musical instrument in Indonesia, precisely from Bali region.

Here all the traditional musical instrument Bali's has;

1. Cengceng
Cengceng traditional musical instrument comes from Bali which has the sound type of Ideofon. How to play it by putting on both hands then tapped.

please see this video if you want to know how to play it;

2. Serunai Bali
Serunai traditional music instrument comes from West Nusa Tenggara which has type of sound of Aerofon. How to play it by blowing then the tone is set with the fingers.

please see this video if you want to know how to play it;

3. Sasando
Sasando traditional instrument originated from East Nusa Tenggara which has a type of Chordofon sound. How to play it by picking.

please see this video if you want to know how to play it;


Ok, then... I will move to Borneo owned traditional musical instrument.

1. Japen 
Japen traditional musical instruments originated from Central Kalimantan which has Kordofon type sounds. How to play it by picking.

please see this video if you want to know how to play it;

2. Sampek
Sampek traditional music instruments are derived from East Kalimantan which has Kordofon type sounds. How to play it by plucked on the part of the strings.

please see this video if you want to know how to play it;

3. Tuma
Tuma traditional instruments originated from West Kalimantan which has a type of sound Membranofon. How to play it by tapping using the palm of the hand.

4. Panting
Traditional Musical Instruments Panting comes from South Kalimantan which has Kordofon type sounds. How to play it by plucked on the part of the strings.

please see this video if you want to know how to play it;

Traditional Musical Instrument in Indonesia from Java

Now I'm going to define the second traditional musical  instrument that come from Java;

1. Tehyan
Traditional musical instruments Tehyan comes from the Capital of Jakarta which has the type of sound Kordofon used by rubbed in the string or strings, almost the same as playing the violin.

If you want to know how to play, please feel free to see this video :)

2. Angklung
Angklung traditional musical instruments derived from western Java that has the type of sound Ideofon. How to play the angklung is using our hands.

If you want to know how to play, please feel free to see this video :)

3. Gamelan
Gamelan traditional musical instrument comes from Central Java which has the sound type of Ideofon. How to play it is by being hit with a bat.

If you want to know how to play, please feel free to see this video :)

4. Gendang 
Traditional musical instrument Gendang comes from Yogyakarta which has the type of sound Ideofon. How to play it by being tapped in soft area using the palm of the hand.

If you want to know how to play, please feel free to see this video :)

5. Kendang
Traditional musical instrument Kendang originated from West Java which has a type of sound Membranofon. How to play it by being hit with a bat.

6. Kulanter 
Kulanter traditional musical instrument comes from West Java which has a type of sound Membranofon. How to play with a hit, kulanter usually made kendang.

7. Gong
Traditional musical instruments Gong comes from West Java which if hit will issue the type of sound Membranofon. Gong is usually tied or hung on wood.

If you want to know how to play, please feel free to see this video :)

8. Jengglong
Jengglong traditional musical instrument comes from West Java that resembles a small gong. Jengglong is usually made gong.

If you want to know how to play, please feel free to see this video :)

9. Rebab
Rebab traditional musical instruments derived from West Java that way play it like a violin that is in friction. The shape of the fiddle is like an arrow bow.

If you want to know how to play, please feel free to see this video :)

Traditional Musical Instrument in Indoensia from Sumatra

After the explanation about traditional dances, now I would like to explain kinds of traditional musical instruments in Indonesia along with its origin and the way how to play it.

Enjoy the reading guys :)
May be useful ya ...

Let's started the first musical instrument come from Sumatra;

1. Serune Kalee
Derived from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam which has the type of sound of Aerofon, the sound that comes from the wind. then, the way to use it by blowing and using fingers to set the tone in the serune kale hole.

To see more clearly please watch this video; 

2. Aramba
Originating from Nias Island, North Sumatra, which has a sound type of Ideofon, which is a sound derived from its base material and to use it by beating using a batter like a stick.

To see more clearly please watch this video; 

3. Saluang
Derived from Minangkabau, West Sumatra which has a type of Aerofon sound. Then, to use it by blowing and holes in the saluang is used to set the tone and fingers serves to close the hole.

To see more clearly please watch this video;

4. Gambus
Originating from Riau with Kordofon type sounds, ie sounds coming from strings or strings. Gambus has 3 strings - 12 strings. Gambus is usually played while accompanied by drums.

To see more clearly please watch this video;

5. Serangko
Derived from Jambi and made of buffalo horn. The way to use it by blowing, regular stamps used for notification if there is a disaster in the community of Jambi.

6. Accordion
Accordion is from South Sumatra which has type of Aerofon sound. How to use it by blowing and back both hands to adjust the strains of the tone.

To see more clearly please watch this video;

7. Doll
This musical instrument comes from Bengkulu which has a type of sound Membranofon, which is the type of sound that comes with a hit. How to use this instrument by beating using a bat.

To see more clearly please watch this video;

8. Bende 
Traditional musical instrument bende originated from Lampung which has sound type Ideofon. How to use it is hit with a special tapper.

9. Gendang Melayu
The Malay drum is derived from the Belitung islands which have the type of sound Membranofon, the type of sound originating by hitting around the soft area by using the palm of the hand.

To see more clearly please watch this video;

10. Gendang Panjang
The long drum comes from the Riau Archipelago which has the type of sound Membranofon used by clapping hands on soft areas.

To see more clearly please watch this video;

11. Talempong
Talempong comes from West Sumatra, this tool is played by being hit using wood. The form of talempong is similar to a musical instrument bonang from Central Java.

To see more clearly please watch this video;

12. Pupuik Batang Padi

Pupuik Batang Padi comes from West Sumatra, the shape is made of rice stalks rods old sudang and berbuku. How to play it by blown.

To see more clearly please watch this video;

13. Serunai
Serunai traditional musical instrument comes from West Sumatra made of rice, wood and bamboo. How to play that is by blown.

To see more clearly please watch this video;

14. Tambua & Tansa
Tambua traditional instruments and tansa comes from West Sumatra made of wood that is hollowed in the middle. How to play it is to be hit simultaneously.

To see more clearly please watch this video;

15. Burdah atau Gendang Oku
Traditional Burdah instruments originated from South Sumatra made from animal or wooden leather. Burdah is similar to a tambourine that plays it with a beating.

To see more clearly please watch this video; 

16. Tenun
Traditional weaving instruments are from South Sumatra made of triangular wood. Named weaving because it is often used as an entertainer of workers who are weaving.

17. Kenong Basemah 
Kenong basemah traditional musical instrument comes from South Sumatra made of copper. How to play that is by being hit.

To see more clearly please watch this video;

18. Tebangan 
Traditional musical instruments Felling comes from South Sumatra which is almost similar to tambourine. How to play that is by being hit.

To see more clearly please watch this video;

Ethnic Group in Indonesia

Bhineka Tunggal Ika - Tanhana Dharma Mangrwa:
List of Ethnic Group in Indonesia
(Throughout Indonesia, 27 Provinsi, 1995)

Now I would like to explain about ethnic group in Indonesia and I took the reference from Sri Edi Swasono's  book.
Here the list of Ethnic group in Indonesia that can be seen below:

1. Bali: (4)
Bali, Loaloan, Nyama Selam, Trunyan

2. Bengkulu: (9)
Bengkulu, Enggano, Kaur, Lembak, Muko-Muko, Pekal, Rejang, Serawai, Suban.

3. D.I Acah /NAD: (11)
Aceh, Alas, Aneuk Jamee,Gayo-Lut, Gayo Lues,Gayo Serbejadi, Kluet, Simeulu, Singkil, Tamiang.

4. DIY: 1

5. DKI:

6. Irian Jaya: (109)
Aero,Airo Sumaghaghe, Airoran,Ambai, Amberboken, Amungme, Anu, Arfak, Asmat, Auyu, Ayfat, Baso, Baudi, Berik, Bgu, Biak, Borto, Buruai, Citak, Damal, Dani, Dem, Demisa, Dera, Edopi, Eipomek, Ekagi, Ekari, Emumu, Eritai, Fau, Foau, Gebe, Gresi, Hattam, Humboldt, Hupla, Inanwatan, Irarutu, Isirawa, Iwur, Jaban, Jair, Kaburi, Kaeti, Kais, Kalabra, Kamberau, Kamoro, Kapauku, Kapaur, Karon, Kasuweri, Kaygir, Kembrano, Kentuk, Ketengban, Kimaghama, Kimyal, Kokoda, Kmnai, Korowai, Kupol, Kurudu, kwerba, Kwesten, Lani, Maden, Mairasi, Mandobo, Maniwa, Manhuke, Marind Anuim, Maiyakh, Meybrat, Mimika, Moire, Mombum, Moni, Mooi, Mosena, Murop, Muyu, Nduga, Ngnalik, Ngnalum, Nimboran, Palamul, Palata, Pisa, Sailolof, Samarokena, Sapran, Sawang, Sawuy, Sentani, Silimo, Tabati, Tehid, Timorini, Uruwai, Waipam, Waipu, Wamesa, Wanggom, Wano, Waris, Waropen, Wodani, Yahray, Wali, Yapen, Yaqay, Yei.  

7. Jambi: (6)
Anak Dalam, Batin, Jambi, Kerinci, Pengkulu, Pindah.

8. Jawa Barat: (5)
Baduy, Banten, Cirebon, Naga, Sunda

9. Jawa Tengah: (5)
Bagelan, Banyumas, Jawa, Nagarigung, Samin.

10. Jawa Timur: (6)
Bawean, Jawa, madura, Surabaya, Tengger, Osing.

11. Kalimantan Barat: (71)
Babak, Badat, Barai, Bangau, Bukat, Campedek, Dalam, Darat, Darok, Desa, Dusun, Embaloh, Empayuh, Engkarong, Ensanang, Entungau, Galik, Gun, Iban, Jangkang, Kalis, Kantuk, Kayan, Kayanatan, Kede, Kendayan, Keramai, Klemantan, Kopak, Koyon, Lara, Limbai, Maloh, Mayau, Mentebak, Menyangka, Menyanya, Merau, Mualang, Muara, Muduh, Muluk, Ngabang, Ngalampa, Ngamukit, Nganayatn, Panu, Pengkedang,Pompang,Pontianak, Pos, Punti, Randuk, Ribun, Sambas, Sanggau, Sani, Seberuang, Sekajang, Selayang, Selimpat, Senangkan, Senunang, Sisang, Sintan, Suhaid, Sungkung,Suruh, Tabuas,Taman, Tingui.

12. Kalimantan Selatan: (10)
Abai, Bakumpai, Banjar, Beaki, Berangas, Bukit, Dusun Deyah, Harakit, Pagatan, Pitap.

13. Kalimatan Tengah: (10)
Bantian, Bawo, Lawangan, Maanyan, Ngaju, Ot Danum, Paku, Punan,Siang, Tamuan.

14. Kalimantan Timur: (29)
Auheng, Baka, Bakung, Basap, Benuaq, Berau, Berusu, Bem,Bulungan, Busang, Dayak, Huang Tering, Jalan, Kenyah, Kulit, Kutai, Long Gelat, Long Paka, Modang, Oheng, Pasir, Penihing,Saq, Seputan, Tidung, Timai, Tou, Tukung, Tunjung.

15. Lampung: (1)

16. Maluku: (51)
Alune, Ambon, Aru, Babar, Bacan, Bajoe, Banda, Buli, Buru, Galela, Gane, Gebe, Halmahera, Haruku, Jailolo, Kao, Kei, Kisar, Kur, Laloda, Leti, Lumoli, Maba, Makian, Mange, Mare, Memalu, Moa, Modole, Morotai, Nuaulu, pagu, Patani, Pelauw, Rana, Sahu, Sanana, Sawai, Seram, Siboyo, Sula, Tanimbar, Ternate, Tidore, Tobaru, Tobelo, Togutil, Wai Apu, Wai Loa, Weda, Wemale.

17. Nusa Tenggara Barat: (9)
Bayan, Bima, Dompu, Donggo, Kore, Mata, Mbojo, Sasak, Sumbawa.

18. Nusa Tenggara Timur: (48)
Abui, Alor, Anas, Atanfui, Atoni, Babui, Bajawa, Bakifan, Blagar, Boti, Dawan, Deing, Ende, Faun, Flores, Hanifeto, Helong, Kabola, Karera, Kawel, Kedang, Kemak, Kemang, Kolana, Kramang, Krowe Muhang, Kui, Labala, Lamaholot, Lemma, Lio, Manggarai, Marae, Maung, Mela, Modo,Muhang, Nagekeu, Ngada, Moenleni, Riung,Rongga, Rote, Sabu, Sikka, Sumba,Tetun.

19. Riau: (9)
Akit, Hutan, Kuala, Kubu, Laut, Lingga, Riau, Sakai, Talang Mamak.  

20. Sulawesi Selatan: (13)
Abung Bunga Mayang, Bentong, Bugis, Daya, Duri, Luwu, Makassar, Mandar, Massenrengkulu, Selayar, Toala, Toraja, Towala-wala.

21. Sulawesi Tengah: (25)
Bada, Bajau, Balaesang, Balantak, Banggai, Bungku, Buol, Dampelas, Dondo, Kaili, Muna, Mekongga, Mori, Napu, Pamona, Pipikoro, Saluan, Sea-sea, Tajio, To Laki, Toli-Toli, Tomia, Tomini, Wakatobi, Wawoni.

22. Sulawesi Tenggara: (9)
Buton, Cina, To Laiwiu, To Landawe, To Mapute, Orang Butung, Orang Lajolo, Orang Muna, Moronene. 

23. Sulawesi Utara: (20)
bantik, Bintauna, Bolaang Itang, Bolaang Mongondow, Bolaang Uki, Borgo, Gorontalo, Kaidipang, Minahasa, Mongondow, Polahi, Ponosakan, Ratahan, Sangir, Talaud, Tombulu, Tonsawang, Tonsea, Tontemboan, Toulour.

24. Sumatra Barat: (2)
Mentawai, Minagkabau.

25. Sumatra Selatan: (29)
Ameng Sewang, Anak dalam, Bangka, Belitung, Enim, Kayu Agung, Kikim, Kisam, Komering, Lahat, Lematang, Lintang Klom, Mapur, Meranjat, Musi Banyuasin, Musi Rawas, Musi Sekayu, Ogan, Palembang, Pasemah, Perdamaran, Paegagan, Rambang Senuli, Ranau, Rawas, Saling, Sekak, Semendo.

26. Sumatra Utara: (15)
Angkola, Asahan, Batak, Dairi, Deli, Karo, Langkat, Mandailing, Nias, Pakpak, Psisir Natal, Siladang, Sumalungun, Toba, Ulu Muara Sipongi.

27. Timor Timur: (2)
Ilimano, Timor Timur.

Reference: Melalatoa,M. Junus, Ensiklopedia Sukubangsa di Indonesia (Jakarta:Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayan RI, 1995)


This time we will start to know the traditional dance of Lampung. Traditional Dance is very famous because many are shown at events such as welcoming guests or other traditional events.

1. Jangget Traditional Dance

Jangget dance is a dance originated from Lampung and is also a dance for ceremonies. Jangget dance symbolizes the nobility of susilabudi and the people of Lampung.

2. Malinting Traditional Dance

Melinting Dance is a traditional dance from Lampung. This dance is a relic of the Kingdom Melinting located in East Lampung. Melinting Dance including the oldest dance, because this dance is launched since the entry of Islam in Indonesia, especially in Lampung.

3. Cangget Traditional Dance

Cangget dance is a dance from Lampung, before the arrival of the Japanese in Indonesia or in 1942, Canget Dance is always performed at every event concerned with customary gawi, eg house building ceremony, harvest, and also to escort the person who will go to perform the pilgrimage .
When the dance is held, the public will gather to see this show, be it old, young, male or female, this is for the purpose other than to participate in the ceremony, also used to know each other with each other.


Jambi is the province The majority of residents are indigenous Malay. As usual Malay people who occupy in other provinces in Indonesia, Jambi people also have a variety of traditions and customs as well as traditional dance art Jambi.

1. Sekapur Sirih Traditional Dance

Tari Sekapur Sirih is a dance offering from Jambi.Tari adat jambi is much in common with Malay dance.

2. Selampir Delapan Traditional Dance

Dance Selampir Delapan is a traditional dance from Jambi. Dance Selampit Eight is a sketch of the association of young Jambi. Dance Selampit Eight has a very important value in cultivate the association.


Riau has a wealth of culture and tradition that is very beautiful and fascinating. Among the wealth of tradition that comes from Riau Province is a traditional dance. What are the traditional dances found in Riau?

Here are some traditional dance that comes from Riau;

1. Tandak Traditional Dance 

Tandak dance is a traditional dance originating from Riau. This dance includes a social dance commonly performed by male and female dancers.

Dressed in traditional Malay dancing with typical movements and accompanied by songs and musical accompaniment. This dance is usually performed at various events, whether for traditional events or cultural events.

2. Joget Lambak Traditional Dance

Joget Lambak is a dance that comes from Riau and a dance that popular in malay society. In its development, joget dance has grown in the region of Bintan, Moro, Batam and widespread in the Riau Islands.


One of the many traditional dances in Indonesia, the Indigenous Dance originating from South Sumatra is a mandatory dance.

Here are some traditional dances from South Sumatra:

1. Tanggai Traditional Dance

Tanggai dance is a dance area that originated from Palembang South Sumatra, which is now grown in South Sumatra, which is played to welcome guests during a local traditional celebration.

Formerly this dance was performed as a livestock dance for the god Shiva and brought a dish of fruits and flowers for offerings so that the dance of this date includes sacred dances.

2. Putri Bekhusek Traditional Dance

Princess Dance Bekhusek is a dance from South Sumatra. This dance means the princess playing. This dance is very popular in Ogan Komering Ulu District and also symbolizes the prosperity for the people of South Sumatra.

3. Gending Sriwijaya Traditional Dance

Gending Sriwijaya dance is a traditional dance originating from Palembang, South Sumatra. Gending Sriwijaya song is played to accompany Gending Sriwijaya Dance. Neither this song nor dance reflects the glory, sublime culture, and majesty of the ever successful Sriwijaya Empire uniting the Western Nusantara.


Traditional West Sumatra Dance dedicated by the ethnic Minangkabau has a uniqueness that is strongly influenced by Islam. Not only that the habit of Minangkabau people who like to wander and elegance of adat matrilineal also influence dance that depict this Minangkabau adat.

The following are some of the traditional dances originating from West Sumatra:

1. Piring Traditional Dance

Piring dance are believed to have existed since the 12th century AD, coming from the original culture of the Minangkabau community of West Sumatra itself.

In the past this dance was a goddess dance dedicated to the gods who have given abundant crops for a year to the surrounding community. It must be known that before Islam entered Minangkabau, the majority of Minangkabau people still believed in Buddhism, Hinduism, and some Animism.

2. Payung Traditional Dance 

Payung dance is a traditional dance from Minangkabau that includes an umbrella as a dance tool. This umbrella dance is performed by several dancers who paired each other between men and women. The movement on umbrella dance tells the story of the love of 2 people who are in love.


There are many traditional dances originating from North Sumatra that adorn the rich art of dance in this archipelago country.

This time I will deliver some dances coming from North Sumatra that have been widely known by the public.

1. Serampang Dua Belas Traditional Dance

Serampang Dua Belas dance is a dance originating from Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra. The twelve-seater dances include a social dance performed by several male dancers and female dancers in pairs. Besides rich in artistic value, this dance is rich in the meaning and values of life in it. This dance is a very mashur dance in North Sumatra, especially in the area of Serdang Bedagai which is the area of origin.

2. Tor-Tor Traditional Dance 

Tor Tor dance is a type of dance originated from Batak tribe from Sumatera Island. Since the 13th century, Tor Tor Dance has become a cultural dance of the Batak tribe. The estimate was conveyed by former members of the North Sumatra platform in 1973-2010 and also an expert from Tor Tor Dance.

In the past, Tor Tor dance tradition exists only in the life of the Batak tribe in the region of Samosir, Toba region and part of Humbang region. But, after the inclusion of Christianity in Silindung region, this culture is famous for modern dance culture and singing.


Aceh commonly referred to as the Veranda of Mecca has a variety of traditional dances are beautiful and unique. Even among the dances already widely known by the people of Indonesia and even International.

Here are some traditional dances from Nanggroe Aceh Drussalam:

1. Seudati Traditional Dance

Seudati dance is one of the traditional dances originating from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, this dance is the first dance in the Arab country with a background of Islam.

2. Saman Traditional Dance

Saman Dance is a traditional dance originating from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. This dance has become the attention of the international community because of its uniqueness.
This dance is thick with religious culture especially for Islamic religion, and has a choreography of sitting position berbanjar and accompanied by various hand movements from all dancers that one movement makes saman dance has a beautiful visualisai to be enjoyed. Saman dance is also commonly accompanied by poems that are rich in religious messages such as the teachings of virtue to fellow human beings and living things.

3. Bines Traditional Dance

Dance Bines is a traditional dance originating from Gayo Lues district. This dance already existed and developed in Central Aceh but after that was taken to East Aceh.
History says this dance was popularized by a scholar named Syech Saman as a framework for preaching. This dance is performed by women by sitting in line while singing poems containing propaganda or development information at the time.

4. Didong Traditional Dance

Didong dance is a traditional art of Gayo people who still exist until this modern period, has a high social interest from every culture of the community. Didong art is a mixture of art and sound of dance art with literary themes such as poems as its basic elements.

5. Guel Traditional Dance

Guel dance is the art of Gay cultural treasures in the soil of Aceh. Guel has a meaning to ring. Particularly in the highland area of gayo, this art of dance has a unique long story. Researchers and dance choreographers argue this dance is not just an ordinary dance, but a combination of music art, literary arts, and dance art itself.

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Traditional Musical Instrument in Indonesia (Bali and Borneo)

Ok. guys I will continue to share about traditional musical instrument in Indonesia, precisely from Bali region. Here all the traditional ...